Thursday, May 17, 2007

Becoming a Successful Lawyer

Making it to the big times in the law business is not easy at all. On top of never ending work and long hours at the office, there are politics involved and of course a lot of it comes down to who you know. Everywhere you go these days you see signs for legal advertisements that promise you save you money or help you make a ton of money if you use the trusted services of some guy with a nice suit on and so much hair gel in his hair that he has to wear a neck brace himself just to support the weight of his head. There are tax lawyers, trial lawyers, international lawyers, corporate lawyers and of course everybody’s favorite, personal injury lawyers or as they are commonly known “ambulance chasers”. These personal injury lawyers are often what give the legal profession such a bad image. These guys remind you of houseflies that just want to away and if you have ever been in a car accident, your mailbox was probably flooded a day or two later with every legal advertisement in the world. The truth is that chasing ambulances can be a very lucrative business but at the same time you have to lower your ethical business standards quite a bit to make good money in the business. If you don’t mind doing that then if you put in the time and diligence then you will be quite successful. The other types of lawyers such as trial lawyers and tax lawyers can make good money as well but first you have to make a name for yourself and then you can start charging the big bucks. Now if you have tried to become a partner at a law firm and it has not worked out for you then you have to start all over again at another firm or try to go out on your own.
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1 comment:

mikaljains said...

Congratulations! This is the great things. Thanks to giving the time to share such a nice information.
Not Guilty